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Read safety production poems and build safety production concept

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Read safety production poems and build safety production concept



On the eve of the international labor day, the staff culture creation room of Jinhu County Federation of trade unions has created a series of poems on work safety. The staff from the front line of enterprises express their love for work and transmit the positive energy of work safety in the form of poetry recitation.






   "Compose the concept of safety production into a song of happiness, sing in the factory and on the way home, keep in mind the safety mission and never forget the original intention of safety production.". In the employee activity room of Jiangsu Saiou electric, dozens of front-line employees read aloud sonorously or euphemistically.



   [Li Shuzhen, a staff member of Saio electric in Jinhu County]: when may day arrived, we took part in this recitation activity, which promoted the emotional exchanges among our workers and improved our safety awareness.


 In order to make the concept of production safety rooted in the hearts of every employee and put it into practice in the work of every employee, the staff culture creation room of Jinhu County Federation of trade unions meticulously created a series of poems entitled "production safety casts the source of happiness". The whole poem is simple in language, sincere in words and sincere in feelings. At the same time, production safety education is carried out in the lively and vivid form of recitation, Welcome your own festival.


Ji Wei, general manager of Saiou electric in Jinhu County: we organized this poetry recitation to enrich and activate the cultural life of employees, improve their humanistic quality and moral sentiment, and let everyone remember the importance of safe production.


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